The After-party...

After all the fireworks are over and the stands are all closed, it's time to change a few things. Plus, I need to start working on next year's display...
 Changed things around. Switched places with flag house and the fireworks stand. Normally, I simply take out the fireworks stand, but this year, I kept it in play by simply turning it around. It has a door on the side. I'm thinking, though, that I should maybe have something I can tack some sort of fruit stand or something...

 Ok. I really don't like the red and blue things. Too tall. Too annoying. I may also drop the moon thimbles as well. Not really liking them in this scene.

So, just moving things around for more thoughts....

Fireworks and Moonwalks--July 2016

Get ready for the fireworks! July 4th is upon us.

The fireworks stand is busy.

The Alamo, a symbol of American freedom, waits for visitors.

Another great American symbol--the Betsy Ross house.

Patriotic home with owner at the picnic table calling his dog.

These people cuddle by the fire outside their VERY patriotic home.

The new Patriotic House for this year!

The new house and the picture where I got the idea.

My daughter bought this for me while on her trip. I love this diorama of Washington D.C. so much, I just HAD to include it with July's display.

At the top of the display is Lady Liberty, guiding people to their freedom.

July is also my month of celebrating the Lunar Landing. This year, I put out some special thimbles commemorating the events.

And, my own handmade lunar landing/lander thimble inside its display.

Another lunar lander display. Earth is the thimble.

Here's Earth with the now defunct shuttle in orbit. A galaxy in the distance, and Mars. 
Space is our future! 

Have a safe and happy 4th and keep looking to the stars!