I still love the cow being abducted. The thimble is the what the cow is being lifted away in.
Last year, I decided to make my childhood home and a rendition of the UFO I saw. I was disappointed in how I had to make the house, so I remade it this year to a more accurate representation. I completely hand-made the house and a thimble is inside it to make it worthy of Thimble World.
Of course, there's the USO--Unidentified Submersible (or Submerged) Object. I also hand-made this and the thimble is within the upward waves of water.
The big thing this year is the Close Encounters of the Third Kind piece. I bought the Devil's Tower thimble in 2015 and made my own version of the mothership landed behind the mountain. I never was happy with it. This is how it appeared back then...
And this is the new version...
Big difference, huh? I even included lights and the board with the lighted tones that they played to get a response from the mothership.
Let's do a comparison to see how I faired...

Not bad (if I do say so myself).
Moving on...there's the observatory where people can watch the old sci-fi rocket head off into space. The ringed planet on top of the thimble actually rotates. (I made it that way.)
The center village area is full of surprises!
Another new one this year...a UFO has caught a car and is lifting a passenger. One lucky person escaped and is running for the house. I'm wondering if he will encounter any...thing...else inside.
Aliens are escorting this woman to their ship. Look in the window. One of those grays is still inside...
And this fellow is being abducted right from his bedroom window...
Of course, where there's UFOs, there's Bigfoot.
And more Bigfoot...they're hiding among the trees.
High over top the village is Mt. Rainier and the discs that resulted in the coining of the term "Flying saucer."
There's even an alien in a saucer below it all...
Also new this year is the secret base. A UFO is lifted out of the ground and ready for take-off.
The light show comes from within the rocks...and a UFO (on a fluted thimble) appears to be draining power from this source while a smaller ship waits on another hill.
Yup, power source...
The tripod of War of the Worlds is nearing the house...
A UFO is crashed and hidden by dark trees.
Wait, what's this? Off in those distant mountain peaks is a city--with a cigar-shaped UFO hovering above it! (New)
Oh, and if all this has made you hungry, you can stop at the Little Ale'Inn along the Extraterrestrial Highway. By the looks of things, even the aliens want to stop in there.
The alien ship even has its own parking...
But, beware! The route in is under surveillance--by the aliens.
The Millenium Falcon?!?!
Well, if there's Star Wars, you know I'll have Star Trek...
Yes, I WANT to believe! (But, it doesn't mean I do.)
And for those of you who are following along with this year's new display (of which my daughter and I have aptly named Covington), for June, I have put up some other Tudor Houses. But, as you know, it has to have some sort of tie to the main display.
Surprise! This UFO is checking out a car by The Green Man pub. Just an FYI--a Green Man is a mystical being of growth and rebirth. I found it humorous since most aliens, although typically gray, are still referred to as "little green men." Since The Green Man pub is Tudor style, that is how the Tudor houses ended up in June. Mystical, green beings fit the motif.