For many years now, June was UFO month here in ThimbleWorld, but in keeping with all the other changes in MY world, I decided to go with the summer display that is usually out in September as AFTER summer. But, why wait? Let's enjoy summer NOW before something else takes it away.
Camping, eating out, enjoying the sun. All the fun of summer is here.
How about a trip to a plantation? Or to the mountains?
What about some water and a seaside town? Or a visit to our neighbors to the north?
Maybe find your own, secluded spot somewhere...
Lots to see and do here.
A mountain retreat...
A plantation excursion.
And don't forget to look up! Maybe you'll see something fantastic!
And don't forget the little out-of-the-way place. It may give you some of your best memories.
And now let's visit Covington Mountain. I went with the different "mountain view" this month. And what's that? A UFO? Well, if course! I couldn't resist at least ONE UFO in June...
Have a safe and happy June!