September is National Sewing Month. In Thimble World, it is also UFO Month. And, since 2023 is my year to do everything I ever wanted to do with my Thimble World, I've added a common September celebration--Oktoberfest! So, sit back and get ready for the tour of all the dioramas displaying numerous surprises for this month. Enjoy!
Let's begin with my main display.
UFOs galore! Yes, Star Trek ships are overhead.
UFOs of every size and shape.
Another abduction--straight out of the roof!!!
Several Bigfoots are around the area.
New this year is the Kecksburg, PA, UFO tribute.
The Kenneth Arnold sighting of 9 UFOs on June 24, 1947, over Mt. Rainier, WA.
The UFO at my childhood home, an abducted cow, abducted people, a USO, Bigfoot exiting a UFO, and my most difficult creation, Close Encounters of the Third Kind scene.
ET Highway and the Little Ale'Inn from Rachel, NV.
Area 61. Yes, 61. The year I was born seemed like an appropriate name.
War of the Worlds at the base of the mountain. Behind the mountain is a surprise.
So, that's where the Millenium Falcon is hiding!
Another new addition....
...the UFO Museum.
Now, let's visit Covington Mountain, where UFOs are apparently visiting.
Since September is National Sewing Month, all of the buildings refer to seamwork in some way. I've added some new attractions such as the "Smallest Thimble in the World" thimble out front. But, UFO month is at work as 2 buildings have flying saucers abducting sewing supplies!
There's one, with a Bigfoot looking on!
I added a few extras. See them?
And this Bigfoot squeezing through the trees from the saucer below.
National Sewing Month display, including Gramma's thimble. No UFOs here.
Before I reveal the new display, let's take a quick look at the remaining UFO dioramas I have.
Spaceships zip around "space" as this "god" figure is busy creating a galaxy/solar system (ours). Aliens, a UFO, and the starship Enterprise complete the area.
A wizard in ancient time attempts to awaken the occupant of the now-exposed UFO. (I think I watch Ancient Aliens a bit too much.)
Very simple scene...UFO, aliens, Bigfoot next to a huge tree.
The Garden. When lit, the fruit changes colors.
Behind the Garden is the gateway to mysterious Egypt.
Martian Landing. This is the alien crash.
The human who landed and is about to make this startling discovery.
New for UFO month is the lunar landing. However, a piloted UFO is following from Earth. A comet passes through as well. (The thimble always annoyed me in its original place in the main display. I found this to be much more "appropriate.")
And now for the new diorama. Let me explain just a little...
I have two sets of what are called "Tudor houses" thimbles. Many times I have thought it would be rather interesting to blend the two sets into one scene. Unfortunately, I have never had an idea that I liked.
I have Dish Network for television. They have a channel with what is called Dishscapes. These are monthly scenes, typically with a theme of something of that particular month. Well, September 2023 is a German-style mountain village celebrating Oktoberfest. I took a couple pictures for reference.
The houses were that "Tudor" style.
I had an Aha moment. This was it!
I was inspired.
And, since I decided to do whatever I ever wanted to do with my thimbles this year, I had to do this.
I couldn't get my fairy lights to string correctly, so my rechargeable Moon will be the light. Covering the festival goers also posed a problem, so I made those "fancy" covers that I've seen occasionally. I didn't need to do that, but I thought it added more color.
Bigfoot only appears on a sign. Seems he stole beer...
Of course there's a UFO!
There's a person on the bridge and, because this was all inspired by Dish, there's a satellite dish on a house--just like Dish does in their Dishscapes.