Ah yes, it's that time of year again! October. Halloween. You scream, I scream, we all scream on Halloween!
The trinity of witches are concocting a magical brew in the bowels of the tree.
Another cauldron cooking at the graveyard.
The dead are waking.
And, the dead are walking.
Even the devil takes a stroll (behind the tombstones).
Not even the skeletons are safe from the ghosts.
Outside the graveyard gates, a dragon defends his lair!
And his stash of gems. It appears the dragon has many victims.
Although the sword is a bit big for the dragon, I want to give you and idea of the sword's scale. By the way, I made that sword--and you wouldn't believe what I used to make it. (Oh, I'm not telling).
Linus waits for the Great Pumpkin in the pumpkin patch behind the house.
Spooky walk between the tree and house and into the cove. A giant spider with a cauldron of what look like babies on its back. But, wait! They're skulls!
Next, we visit Haunted Haven
Welcome to Haunted Haven, where all the homes are spooky.
I hand-made many of the haunted houses.
Even the train is haunted. To the left, War of the Worlds is taking place.
Complete neighborhood with ghosts and tombstones.
Amityville house and boathouse.
Nessie in the Loch. Those sheep may be a meal later.
Mothman on the bridge. One is attacking the car!
The Skin House over the portal! Those trees sure look hand-sy! (LOL)
Of course, just outside the haven, Ash battles the Evil Dead!
Next, we'll visit the new setup...the Spooky Library.
The wizard calls out to the spirits of the Necronomicon!
Tools of the wizard and witches: spell books, crystal balls, and a Ouija board.
More accessories for the wizard--a crystal ball, Necronomicon (on the "table" and the Evil Dead version in the pagoda), and lots of books. The raven and skull thimble on the books is a play on the Horror Writers Association (of which I am a member) icon.
I created these two thimble from the pictures above--the Ouija board and Necronomicon "tables," which are actually thimbles.

I even made the candles. The red one is an actual candle that will burn. The black one is not. And the candlesticks are earring backs and thumbtacks.
The special books that make up the library.
I'm not saying it was aliens...but it was aliens.
Looks like a spell worked. There's the devil coming up from under a tree...
My personal library. Another Linus. King Tut.
The mighty crow oversees...
The mummy sneaks from his sarcophagus.
Next stop...
Death waits at the door. Bride of Frankenstein is inside.
Frankenstein, his monster, the ghost(s), and a green monster adorn the top.
The wolfman is prowling outside.
Ghost exiting her tomb.
Treasure abounds! Yes, the treasure chest is a thimble.
Beware the path leading to the house...
Treasure abounds! Yes, the treasure chest is a thimble.
Beware the path leading to the house...
Ghostly trick or treat! Watch out! The black cat in the pumpkin (thimble) may jump out at you!
A tree full of spookiness!
Halloween haunts everywhere! Thimbles add to the mayhem.
Ghosts and gravestone. Thimble skull emerging from the ground.
New this year is the thimble(s) table and chairs that I made. Miss Cleo waits for someone, her tarot cards laying on the table. "Call me now for a free readin'."
And, there's this new little ghost. I used my Dremel to cut out open eye sockets.
Last, let's tour the house. As you enter, you see the witch is in.
Lighting up the kitchen sink...
Boo! It's the table!
Corner behind the table.
Happy spooky at the door.
Like it says...
You sure out did yourself this Halloween, looks amazing. Great work honey!! Marissa♡