They're heeeeerrrrre!

The aliens are taking over ThimbleWorld for the month.  They are everywhere!
Aliens at every house!
The tarp is loose and reveals the train's cargo...a UFO!
 Inside the village, there is no escape!
 Escorted by aliens to their ship.
 Teleported from his bedroom.
 Various ships cruise over rooftops.
 Bigfoot wanders through the woods as a ship takes off.
 Wait, whats that amid THOSE trees?
 More bigfoot...
 See it hiding?
There, atop Mt. Rainier...the Kenneth Arnold UFOs.
 A crashed UFO hidden amid the rocks and trees.
A USO (Underwater Submersible Object) takes off from a lake.
Even cows are abducted.
 My childhood home and UFO that I saw there.
There in the distance is the observatory watching a rocket into the stars of the galaxy.
Devil's Tower.  What's that behind it?
 Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
What is that mothership doing?  Rising up?  Draining energy? Shooting lasers into the rock?
War of the Worlds.  No Tom Cruise here...
ThimbleWorld even has its own "Area 51" complete with spaceship.
 A stealth in the hangar...
 A stealth being analyzed by a UFO.
Extraterrestrial Highway with the Little Ale'Inn.  UFO parking in back.
 The Millenium Falcon is hidden behind the mountain.
 A cigar shaped UFO over the city (Seattle) in the mountains in the distance.
Ships high above...
Star Trek Enterprises and a Klingon ship!

Let's not forget the extra display.  What is that at the top?
 A UFO has a car in its beam in front of The Green Man pub.  What a coincidence!

Keep looking to the skies.  You never know what you'll see!

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