Ringing Out 2020

The Christmas bells of 2020 are ringing and this year is (finally) almost over. That being said, although I didn't really want to display Thimble World this year, I went for it and threw everything at it. Lots of hidden things, lots of people and animals, and a couple of new items. 2020 may have been horrible, but Thimble World is still as grand as ever. 

The city side is lined with many small features.

Christmas Land in the center is loaded with Santa themed buildings and accessories.

In the country side, there are many surprises this year. Lots of animals, people, and more!

I found this thimble from Bronner's that I decided to throw into the mix. It's the Silent Night Chapel that Bronner's has on their 27 acres.

Not everything is thimble, but they are nestled into the land anyway.

Cozy cabins and a mountain lodge adorn this side of the valley.

And this year, I wanted to add a special Christmas/Santa train station to Christmas Land. I looked for a few days on the internet for the right thing to created. It was an unsuccessful search as nothing was close to the picture in my head. However, I found a box of Whoppers that I thought might work to give me the layout I wanted.

It wasn't exactly what I wanted, but it IS cute--and fits in Christmas Land.

But, I wasn't happy. I wanted that train station. I wanted it to be Christmas-y and sort of unique. Then, I had an idea to USE something totally different to MAKE something different. It had to be the right shade of red...so, I had fun with Monopoly hotels.
And, ta-da! This is it! It's complete with light poles and people.

Now, both new buildings have their place in Christmas Land.

Can you find them?

As always, my glowing white Christmas set beams blue ambiance. Lots of thimbles around the houses behind them.

Also new this year is a nativity that I put together for next to the church in the top row...

Santa (thimble) is surrounded by many gifts for this house. Oh, and a cute snowman!

Reindeer and snowmen.

Santa and Mrs. Claus come out to view all things thimble.

Even Santa needs a refreshment as he visits the "bar on the bar."

Crocheted tree for the table.

My elf on the shelf is playing with a miniature dollhouse (thimble) by candlelight (thimble).

A plate of cookies with milk are left for Santa at the table. We'll leave the light on for him...

The kitchen isn't without its decor...

The Christmas thimble rack is filled with everything Christmas.


Tiny Christmas mugs.

Like it says...

A little something extra in a corner...

Behind the Christmas tree...and an antique house (mine from when I was young).

The tree this year is back to its full glory with all the ornaments on it (not just snowflakes).

I hope everyone has a safe and merry Christmas. 

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