If you follow my ThimbleWorld blog, then you know that August is what I call "Fair Month." This is because August typically has county fairs everywhere and especially here where I live. This year (after what seems like almost a decade of people asking me), I finally decided to enter MY ThimbleWorld Fair into our local Skamania County Fair. So many people were happy to hear this. I spoke with a fair official and she was delighted. I even was allowed to choose the case I wanted to display my exhibit. Well, their display was rather large and I was only wanting to show the "fair" thimbles and not the "circus" side of it. And, so began my journey into increasing my ThimbleWorld Fair to fit the large display case--and to create--basically--a second fair for myself. The circus side became its own thing. So, here is how my Tale of Two Fairs went....
As I said, the display case was going to be large, so I needed to fill that space. Well, I always wanted a roller coaster, so...
Let me say this, it took me DAYS to complete this, but I love it.
The roller coaster was all that I planned to add, but an idea came to mind. And a Tilt O Whirl, or a Roundabout as some call it, came to mind. Let's just say, Z-Scale is still really difficult to work with, but my ride does function in all directions. I'm proud of it.
But, I encountered a dilemma. How would my fair-goers get to the roller coaster from the main fair field? The quest was on and my final solution was...a tunnel. Thimbles and a wavy shell worked!
And, just so there was no confusion as to what it was, I added "signs" to make certain it was clear that it was the walkway to the coaster.
Now, it was time to work out how things would be set up in the display case.
But, something was missing and the hours were counting down to the time to get MY fair registered and set up in the display at the REAL fair. Then this racing tractor came to mind. Last minute prints and cuts and additions and then off to the display barn... Wait for it....
It took me and my trusty assistant Makayla See almost 3 hours to put it all together in the display. FYI: inside of that glass case is stifling hot.
Yes, it was ready. So, let me show you the details.
I included a helicopter ride, which we had a the real county fair a few years ago.
Of course I put in the horses and barn from my regular setup.
There's my usual lake, castle, and the paddlewheel boat, but I added a timber contest last minute since that's what the real fair includes. I could only do a couple things. I was literally out of time to do more.
Makayla was all about adding the tiny people. She made up little stories about them as she put them in. This little thing that she found became "the ghost." Can you see it?
The main "fair" section with all the people.
Yup, that tunnel was in full use. These were the "divorcing couple" aka, the luggage couple.
Makayla made sure there were people on both sides.
The roller coaster looked soooo good. I'm really please with this. But, remember that racing tractor?
Yup, tractor races! I needed to fill in more space and I worked on this while putting the exhibit all together. It was so hurried, but it looked okay. Served the purpose.
Makayla added a criminal element with this guy as she said he was doing "something" illegal. This person could only be seen using the mirrors of the display behind the grandstands.
Oh yes, she put in a sign-sitter.
Ah, yes. People resting in a pavilion. See the man by the flag pole? She said that was her uncle. Yes, there is a reason for her to say that....
When it was all done, I turned around for one more look before I left my "babies" on their own.
While I waited to see how my exhibit would do, a photo of it came out in the local newspaper! I was so surprised--and proud!
When the fair opened on Wednesday, I was so happy to see I had won a FIRST PLACE!!!
Then, on Saturday of the fair, special awards were given and I received Top of Division!
Then Sunday came and I had to bring home my exhibit. Its place on the ThimbleWorld table was ready and waiting. So, I set it all up and then began working on the things I wanted to include (or messed up) but ran out of time to do, including a new sign! So, ThimbleWorld Fair went into full swing at home.
The timber carnival got its sign AND the axe throw! Oh, if only I'd had the time...
Things were set up a little closer and a little tighter, but still there. Some things needed to be in a different place altogether...
The main "stage" had a new addition as well.
I made a four-game thimble stand. A little odd, but I have run out of room now.
The tunnel still needed to be there and the people stayed the same. Somehow I don't think these two will actually get away from each other for a while...
Of course, those people need to get over to the roller coaster!
And, the tractor races.
I realized something important was missing from my ThimbleWorld Fair. I no longer had a train for the front. The train is always there! Well, a train would look ridiculous, so I made tractors pulling fair goers. Why I didn't think of it a long time ago is beyond me. I wouldn't have needed the tunnel. Oh well. They are both awesome ingredients!
And what of the circus side of the original ThimbleWorld display? Well, it just moved. It also picked up a couple new items (on top of what I already did this year). I bought a new CARNIVAL sign which also lights up.
I made an open tent with a fishing pond game. These are N-Scale. This closeup really shows that I need to do a little more work on it.
Covington Mountain also got a couple new things, especially since I took out the helicopter and the racing tractor. I made a smaller games thimble. It only has 3 sides.
And under that tent is another fishing pond game. This was to go in the main fair display, but there is just no more space.
So, other things were moved around, but there are thimbles galore!
And, to finish all these new additions, Makayla painted a rock with a thimble on it for me. Looks good with my thumb thimble.
THAT'S IT FOR MY TALE OF TWO FAIRS. I hope you enjoyed the photos. I'm very happy with the Blue Ribbons and plan to do another exhibit of something else from ThimbleWorld in next year's fair, so stay tuned!
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