The Fair is in the Air in August 2023

 Do you know what time it is? It's August, so it's FAIR TIME!!! And this year, I've gone all out with new tent shows and extras to the existing displays. Plus, I've added a sneak peek of my entries to this year's Skamania County Fair. So, let me welcome you to my Thimble World Fair, Thimble World Carnival, and Thimble World Tractors & Trains Festival.


Lots of rides and attractions to choose from. (Yes, all thimbles.)

Tractors ferry people from one end to the other.

Get your tickets now!

If you don't want to take the tractor ride, you can walk through the Pedestrian Tunnel...

So many rides; so little time.

The horse barn, Timber Carnival, helicopter ride,paddlewheel ride, etc,

New is the Beer Tent. I had to have something for the thirsty adult fair-goers.

Boat rides to The Bear pub hidden in the back.

Wait, what's that? Uh, thats the ghost of the fair.

My pride of the Thimble World Fair--the Roller Coaster. In the back is the tractor race.

Off in the distance is another fair taking place.

Who is that? I think Bigfoot is trying to sneak a look at the fair!

Now, let's visit the Thimble World Carnival. Animal shows and acrobatics take place here. A lot, and I mean, A LOT of new things to see in here.
Welcome to the carnival!

New to the show this year is the Fortune Teller.

I raised the tops on some to show what was inside.

A circus performer wagon...

Next, let's visit the Thimble World Tractors & Trains Festival. Some new and some old here.

New John Deere tractor tent. Sales are up!

Tractor race!

Tractor ride for the kids.

Trains are the big thing. One on the mountaintop...

The log train still chugging along the bottom...

A train rolling into the side of the mountain.

Even a train ride for the kiddos.

Special cuisine for the festival...Bigfoot burgers!

New, just for the festival (but may show up again), is the train passing through the mountain (via the "tunnels").

And look who came to check it out. Bigfoot himself. Maybe he would like a namesake burger.

That bear smells food!

This is new as well, but it is intended for the June display of summer fun. I thought it would be nice to show it off now, though.

Just a little something fanciful...


Yup. I had to do it. A Bigfoot Festival. Everything Bigfoot--even the band. Look hard. There's surprise visitors in those trees!

Just to give you an idea of what I'm working with here. The Bigfoot Festival is N Scale, as in the picture below. My regular fair display and the Tractors and Trains Festival display are in Z-Scale, which is half the size of N-Scale.

My other actual Fair entry is Military/American Legion oriented. The center is elevated over a flag. The two pieces align. It is actually quite beautiful to see.

I'll post the results of my fair entries after it's all over. Wish me luck!

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