It's the end of summer and it's the last call for warm-weather fun. And, of course, it's no different in ThimbleWorld!
Love the little town...
...Complete with a view to the water from the best seafood joint in town...The Crab Shack.
Fun times in the town by the shore. Be sure to catch a ride on a charter boat or just paddle along in your own boat.
And, if you like, you can ride your ATVs here.
There's room for camping, either in a tent or an RV. You can stay with the pack...
...Or find a more secluded spot.
You can visit a plantation or just take down the car's top and go for a ride!
Take a peak at the planets and stars above...
And you can stay in the remote cabin in the forest and enjoy the mountains and waterfalls.
If you want to get away to enjoy the great outdoors but are just not the outdoorsy type, you can stay at the hotel nestled in the hills and trees.
It's all here.
But, back in Covington...
It's National Sewing Month!
Each building has something to do with sewing.
In the center of town, there's a special thimble commemorating all things SEWING!
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