The haunted house surrounded and filled with ghosts and chills.
A new tree sprouted up to add some spookiness.
Linus in the pumpkin patch.
There be witches here...and ghosts and pumpkins and warlocks and serpents...
The witches in the tree are brewing something...
Tombstones clutter the field...
Oh no! It's the walking dead!
The ghost on the bridge is afraid to cross--and rightfully so. Another sinister tree hovers over another witch's brew.
Visit the pagoda's black crystal ball--if you dare!
Witches, owls, and all manner of scariness tops this tree while ghostly lights string along the sky.
And then there's Haunted Haven.
Nothing but scary haunts here...
The Amityville Horror house with the boathouse on the lake. The Mothman bridge rises in the background.
No Halloween is complete without the Evil Dead.
And what is more frightening than being abducted by an alien ship? Being abducted by TWO alien ships. Resistance is futile.
My Necronomicon Skin House.
Nessie swims the lake the below the castle(s). Those sheep may end up being a meal--or two.
War of the Worlds scared many movie-goers, so it fits to be here.
The gates to Haunted Haven itself. The ravens aren't afraid of that scarecrow.
Nothing but Haunted Houses here...
A dragon assaults the castle atop the Haven's hill.
Next, monsters and more ghosts.
The haunted castle featuring all the scary characters. You'll find a werewolf, skeleton, death, vampires, Frankenstein and both his monsters. Oh, and don't forget the ghosts and spirits.
Beside the castle is a broken tree where a (zombie) pirate finds his gold--and a dragon.
The tree outside the castle doorway is sanctuary to a skeleton and his coffin...and owls and a cauldron.
The kitties and ghosties examine the open casket.
These ghosts usher in the skeleton.
Ah yes. Halloween.
If you're ready, there's more. And I've saved (what I consider) the best for last. The Menagerie.
I'll take it easy on you and start from the "soft" side. I made this little Trick or Treater who happens to be heading up to that scary looking house.
And, here's my second Linus in his pumpkin patch. That tree behind him is ready to scare!
Miss Cleo's Readin' Room. Lots of things to help her with your free readin'.
The books are her walls and giant spider webs are the roof. The raven and skull keep watch.
The pagoda marks the passage from Miss Cleo into the Nether Realm...
The Nether Realm...
Gargoyle statues silently stand guard as the Queen and King watch while the wizard summons Cuthulhu. There be dragons here!
Cthulhu Rising...
This dragon guards his roost of gems.
The wizard commands the dragon maidens while other dragons roar beside.
Oh yes...Ancient Aliens...well, maybe not so ancient...
Above the Nether Realm, an astronaut seeking something from the rock has a dragon come between him and his ship. Hopefully he doesn't end up like the skeleton in front of him. (I loved the movie Outlander, which has absolutely nothing to do with the Starz show.)

Satan darts in the underground.
A centaur slays a three-headed dragon outside its lair...
A witch conjures a giant spirit in the decrepit castle.
Ok. So, let's finish up with some final Halloween touches around the house.
Eat. Drink. And be scary.
Corner cat-astrophe.
Happiness is... and ales.
I almost forgot Tut and his mummy running amok.
Finally. The End.
Have a safe and happy Halloween!
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