It's June and the UFOs have landed!

It's June again, and so the UFOs have returned to ThimbleWorld!

At the top is my thimble rendition of the Kenneth Arnold sighting of 1947. I finally added the other 4 craft to complete the total of 9 that he reported seeing.

The abductions continue! Some out the door...

and some from the bedroom window.

My UFOs began with the crafts from actual sightings, such as this representation of the first reports of the Phoenix lights. To the right, off in the distance, is my first handmade UFO thimble.

I have also included movie UFOs and aliens. Here's War of the Worlds (release date June 2005)

Here's my representation of Close Encounters of the Third Kind. The thimble is actually of (and from) The Devil's Tower.

Did you see The Fourth Kind?

There's also the underwater UFO, called a USO (Underwater Submerged Object).

Bigfoot is oftentimes linked to UFO sightings (although not so much here in the Pacific Northwest), so I had to include it. This is my first Bigfoot thimble.

And then I made another thimble with 3 Sasquatch around it.

This month's train had to have a UFO as well. The tarp is blowing back to reveal the craft underneath. The green cars are for a hint of military. Note the saucer buzzing over the train and the crashed craft in the rocks (Roswell?).

Now for the back...
Crashed UFO among the rocks and dark trees.

The planetarium under the dome covered with constellations. Atop is Earth with an alien-guided UFO thimble. A comet cuts across the earth.

Off in the distance is the spaceship voyaging to another planet. I made the planet on top actually spin (by hand).

If you follow my ThimbleWorld, then you know I sometimes have something somewhere else in the house that goes along with the theme of the month. Well, this June has just that with a UFO and a thimble of aliens under it off in another display. Just a little surprise for UFO Month in ThimbleWorld!

Keep watching the skies!

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