September Signs and Sewing

 September is a lot of things to people. The end of summer. The beginning of the school year. Cooler autumn temperatures and warm colors. In Thimble World this year, it is also many things. Normally, September is the End of Summer Month, but this year, I changed it up completely. Whereas June is typically UFO month, I haven't displayed those in a long while, so September 2021 is designated UFO MONTH! So, let's start there... but keep in mind that September is also National Sewing month. 

UFOs invade! Many abductions appear to be happening.

This woman is escorted to a landed ship...

Several Bigfoot roam the forests.   High atop is the Mt. Rainier sighting.

Above is Star Trek....

And hidden below is the Millennium Falcon...

The train has top secret cargo.

My version of Area 51. 

The Little AleInn is open for "visitors."  Looks like a cylindrical UFO is over the mountain city.

This one appears to be mining something... And, War of the Worlds (Cruise version) takes place in front.

The observatory is watching a rocket.

Close Encounters (of the Third Kind). And behind, a USO lifts off from the water.

My childhood home (and UFO story).

Cow abduction!!

Now, on to more September happenings. September is also NATIONAL SEWING MONTH. So, Covington Mountain honors that. But this year, it has some twists.

All the (thimble) buildings are related to sewing in some way. Even the town statue is in celebration of Sewing month.

But wait! What's this?? A UFO? And it's taking sewing items!

And, on top of the mountain is yet another saucer! And it's stealing sewing things!

What's this? Another flying saucer glows in the meadow beside the mountain. 

UFOs are everywhere! My diorama of a crashed saucer on an alien planet that mankind has managed to make it to.

It looks like the dangerous contents have spilled out with this crash.

And another diorama I made...Ancient Aliens style.

And another surprise. My "Tree of Life" diorama. This set up has many meanings, including Ancient Aliens, Vikings, and the bible. There are more here, but those 3 played the biggest roles.

And while I'm on the subject of greater powers, how about my "Creator" diorama? 

May your world (and skies) be filled with happiness.

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